Sunday 27 August 2017

Sad about Big Ben?

Politicians were said to have shed tears earlier this week when  Big Ben was silenced. Where were the crying politicians for the working class dead of Grenfell Tower? Where was the outrage at ordinary people's reliance on food banks, child poverty, the NHS crisis or the increasing number of homeless people on streets.
MPs gathered to bow their heads as the world-famous clock tower rang out for the last time, last Monday because the 157-year old clock tower is undergoing vital repairs and the bell will be taken out of service – apart from Remembrance Sunday and New Year’s Eve – until 2021 to protect the hearing of workers. Theresa May was one who joined in this shallow chorus of dismay, declaring ' it can't be right ' that Big Ben be kept silent for so long. 
As Members of Parliament  get  upset about a  big clock stopping chiming for a few years, I would like to have reminded them that in the real world, we are facing .times of uncertainty, inequality, division and suffering.  But certain politicians are so clearly out of touch and isolated from the  reality of other people's lives. Hope it's not only me but the sight of politicians mourning for a clock while so many lives are being destroyed , looked not only stupid but trivial too. It's not even as if the clock is going to be torn down, it's chimes of freedom will eventually  return, just think that there are  much bigger issues politicians should be concerning themselves with such as food banks, the GP crisis, a referendum imposed by morons and harsh cuts, all these issues of far greater importance.
I am shocked, but not really that surprised that MPs demonstrably give more of a fuck about an old clock than they do about actual human beings.

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