Monday 21 March 2011

When the Government - Adrian Mitchell (24/10/32 - 20/12/ 08)

When the government whips
when the government whips
it's a special kind of gangster
bashing out its brutal will
with a mouthful of morality
heartfelt of cruel thrill

When the government kills
when the government kills
it's a special kind of murderer
srangling with a hypocrite's sigh
mouthful of deterrence
heartful of hang shhot and fry

When the government tortures
when the government tortures
it's a special kind of thug
who's trained to be a terrorcop
mouthful of security
heart full of poison to the top

When the government bombs
when the government bombs
it's a special mass murderer
crazy with its own success
mouthful of democracy
worldful of emptiness.

Originally Published in Blue Coffee, Poems 1985-1986.
Bloodaxe Books

still very apt
I feel.

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